Language, business and technology solutions
At GCAT Shepton Limited, we make the most of our global connections. Thanks to them, we are able to offer business consultations and market research which provide real support whether you are researching a new idea, starting a business, managing a growing company, or expanding overseas business. From commencing with start-up, payrolls to representation, export/import and the bidding process, we can support you through the initial stages of your business development, the formation of your organisation, and remain as a close management partner to continue the growth of your business enterprise. We advise companies, shareholders and entreprenuers from different sectors to help them achieve their strategic objectives, which may include mergers and acquisitions, management buy-outs and bids.
Other Services:
Business Plan, Market Research Report and Tendering Process Research for the private/ public sector
Help to take your business decisions more confidently knowing your market, competitors, distribution, customers and prices. Reports tailored to your needs with insightful recommendations to help you decide: whether or not to enter the new market or if the product/service requires further development before launching in the new market. We can also assess how the product will be supplied to the market or how the product will be promoted within the market. We can help you to develop your business plan or if you would tike to enter as a tender in the public or private sector.
Bespoke Software development consulting and outsourcing project services
We can supply technology for most of your business requirements as well as outsourcing projects to reduce your costs and increase quality. Also we can help with your networking needs or designing & developing your tailored website or app.
Setting up a Business/relocation, expansion, franchising, partnership and new growth Advice.
We support you to reach your goals either by setting up your business or helping you decide which alternative is more suitable to your objectives on the basis of your circumstances. In either case we can support in your decision.
Export and Import Advice-Representation
Knowing your better options or improving the efficiency of your supply chain management is a critical part of the business. We can help you with legislation, labels, packing, transport, documentation, general requirements and routes to trade your product in different countries. Also we offer representation in the country that you are trading with.
Book-keeping and Payroll
Keeping your records and sorting out the legislation of the business, wages, pensions and benefits for your employees can demand hours, cause stress and require a lot of effort. Book-keping and payroll services can help you to deal with this stressful side of the business.
GCAT Shepton Limited
Registered in England and Wales Number 11005130
Call us: +44(0)1749346395
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